Worshiping Christ speaks to me of our direct interaction with God the Son. It is good and right that we should always seek to deepen that connection and give Christ the honour and the praise that he is due. However, our relationship with Christ and the equipping and empowering of the Holy Spirit is not just for our own benefit. Jesus said: “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all” (The Message). What is your world? Is it your family? Your friends? Your neighbours? Your colleagues? Or something else? As you continue to follow Jesus, is he calling you to engage further with your world? Is he calling you to speak the truth in love, or to move outside of your comfort zone? How will you and I take up our cross and follow him in the days ahead?
Moving from worshiping Christ to following Jesus
Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting Church