“What does it mean for you and me to ‘… seek first his kingdom ….’ (Matthew 6:24-34). How concerned are we about the people around us who are heading for eternal darkness? What can we do about it? We can …
“What does it mean for you and me to ‘… seek first his kingdom ….’ (Matthew 6:24-34). How concerned are we about the people around us who are heading for eternal darkness? What can we do about it? We can …
The theme for today is, “Spreading the love of God, and meeting people at their point of need.” In Mark 6:12-13 (The Message) we read that the disciples, “… preached with joyful urgency that life can be radically different; right and …
“What does how we voted in The Voice to Parliament referendum, a lamp and a man being tossed out of a wedding party have in common? This Sunday we will be exploring that connection”. Lawrie.
“One day when Jesus was working in his local neighbourhood, he looked up and out over the crowds. He saw how confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. His heart broke for them. In his compassion Jesus …
How are you and I building our relationship with God? Are we actively moving towards him or not? If we are just standing still, we are in fact moving further away from him. Just like attempting to walk up an …
People turning their backs on God and suffering the consequences. Other people meditating on the Scriptures, finding great wisdom and declaring that whole process ‘sweeter than honey.’ Being persistent in prayer. Are you seeking God or going your own way?
Worshiping Christ speaks to me of our direct interaction with God the Son. It is good and right that we should always seek to deepen that connection and give Christ the honour and the praise that he is due. However, …
Welcome to this Online Service on Sunday 14th of November 2021. We continue to study ‘Jesus the Game Changer season 2.’ And today as we are going to talk about ‘Dealing with Opposition’ from the Episode 3: ‘The Persecuted Church’, …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst online service on Sunday 1st August 2021. Someone once asked the question ‘What is truth?’ In this day and age, it seems that whatever I want to believe is ‘my truth,’ and whatever you want to …
Jesus challenged his followers to be ‘reckless in your love’ (John 12:25 The Message). What does it mean for you and for me to be ‘reckless in our love’? Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting Church online service as we explore …