Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on Sunday 27th August 2023. Today we get together to worship God, to learn from the Words, and to have fellowship together. Hope you may experience the presence of God in singing, praying, listening …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on Sunday 27th August 2023. Today we get together to worship God, to learn from the Words, and to have fellowship together. Hope you may experience the presence of God in singing, praying, listening …
Welcome to this gathering at Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church whether you are in person here or online on Sunday 20th August 2023. What we found from today’s text is that Jesus, the bread of life, is for everyone who wants …
Welcome to this gathering at Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on Sunday 13th August 2023. We have the story of Jesus walking on the water. It is a beautiful illustration of how Christ, through the power of faith, can free us …
Welcome to this gathering at Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on Sunday 6th August 2023. Today’s gospel lesson is one of the well-known stories about Jesus. This parable is about more than just feeding people. The parable teaches us that when we …