Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on the last Sunday, 29th of November 2020. Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new Church Year. The Season of Advent is a time for preparing for the coming …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on the last Sunday, 29th of November 2020. Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new Church Year. The Season of Advent is a time for preparing for the coming …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting Church on the 22 nd November 2020. Today we have our Mission & Leadership Presbytery Minister, Rev Matagi Vilitama, visiting us and he will bring us this week’s message.
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting online church on the twenty fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 15th November 2020. Today’s gospel reading, Matthew 25:14-30, is about the Parable of the Talents. The point of the story is that God-given-talents/gifts is to be used for His glory, …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting online church on the twenty third Sunday after Pentecost, 8th November 2020. Today’s gospel reading, Matthew 25:1-13, talks about some smart bridesmaids and some not-so-smart bridesmaids. The smart ones had enough extra oil to keep their lamps burning while …
Welcome to Lugarno Peakhurst Uniting church on the twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, 1st November 2020. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus tells the crowds and his disciples to do what the teachers of the law and the Pharisees teach them to …