My way or God’s way

You are welcome to worship in person this Sunday at 10.15am.  Hand sanitizer and masks are available if you would like to use them.

We are also live streaming of our services.  The service can be seen each Sunday morning commencing at 10.15am.  Here is the link to our YouTube channel to access the live streaming: 

My Way or God’s WayLuke 18:1-8

There are four Bible readings suggested to be used for this Sunday.

The first reading is in Jeremiah 32 where we read that God is fed up with the people of Israel and Judah. Why?  Because they had turned their backs on him and would not listen or respond to him.  Therefore, God was going to prompt the Babylonian king to invade the land and carry the inhabitants off into slavery.

The second reading is in Psalm 119 where the writer declares to God, ‘How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!’.  The psalmist also realises that he has meditated upon God’s law so much that he now has more insight than all his teachers.  

The third reading suggested for today is in the second letter to  Timothy chapter 3, where Timothy is reminded that the Scriptures are able to make a person wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, but, that a time will come when people will not put up with sound teaching. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Finally, the fourth reading for today is in Luke 18 – the one we heard today –  when Jesus tells his disciples a parable.  It is a story about a widow who nagged a judge so much that even though he didn’t care about God or the woman, the judge would give the widow justice, just so that she would stop nagging him. The purpose of this story was to remind the disciples that they should always pray and never give up.  And so, if a bad judge will respond to persistent pleading, how much more will a loving God respond to persistent prayer.

How do these passages weave together for us today?  On the one hand people turning their backs on God or at least not following the truth of his word.  On the other hand the sweetness of meditating on the word of God and Jesus’ encouragement for us to be persistent in our prayers.

Today we will dive deeper into these matters. Lawrie.

Our Mission is to
Connect with people in Jesus;
Build each other up in faith; and to
Become Like Jesus.