Sunday 13th August 2023
You are welcome to worship in person this Sunday at 10.15am. Hand sanitizer and masks are available if you would like to use them.
We are also live streaming of our services. The service can be seen each Sunday morning commencing at 10.15am. Here is the link to our YouTube channel to access the live streaming:
Matthew 14:22-33, Faith in the Storm
We have the story of Jesus walking on the water. It is a beautiful illustration of how Christ, through the power of faith, can free us from our fear and lift us out of the storms of life.
Today’s gospel story is a simple one. Following the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus told his disciples to get in their boat while He went up on a mountain to pray. While He was praying, a wind came up and the waves beat against the boat and drove it out to sea. It was in order to be with His disciples that Jesus walked on the water. When they saw Him coming toward them, they were terrified because they thought He was a ghost. These strong and hardened sailors were so afraid they cried out. In order to calm them Jesus spoke those words that are so common in the New Testament: “Have no fear.”
And that’s Jesus’ word for us today. “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” In the face of difficult economic times, in the face of declining health, in the face of concern about a loved one dealing with illness or a teenager dealing with a variety of issues, don’t be afraid. Jesus Christ is with you. Trust him. Believe in him. See him reach out to you to lift you from the angry waves. He is the Lord of heaven and earth. Don’t be afraid. IL-WOONG.
Our Mission is to
Connect with people in Jesus;
Build each other up in faith; and to
Become Like Jesus.