The Kingdom’s Call: Beyond Possessions

Sunday 13th October, 2024

You are welcome to worship in person this Sunday at 10.15am. 

Hand sanitizer and masks are available if you would like to use them.

We are also live streaming of our services.  The service can be seen each Sunday morning commencing at 10.15am.  Here is the link to our YouTube channel to access the live streaming:

Mark 10: 17-31 / The Kingdom’s Call: Beyond Possessions

Mark 10:17-31 conveys a powerful message about the cost of discipleship and the obstacles that wealth can create in following Jesus. A wealthy young man asks Jesus how to inherit eternal life, and while he has kept the commandments, Jesus challenges him to sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow Him. The man, saddened by the demand, departs because of his great wealth. Jesus then teaches His disciples that wealth can make it very difficult to enter the Kingdom of God, and only with God’s help is it possible.

When Peter mentions that the disciples have left everything to follow Jesus, Jesus assures them that those who sacrifice for His sake will receive abundant rewards, both in this life—with challenges—and eternal life in the next. The passage ends with a reminder that in God’s kingdom, the values of the world are often reversed: “Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” The message encourages complete trust in God over material possessions and emphasizes the transformative rewards of wholehearted discipleship.  IL-WOONG.

Our Mission is to

Connect with people in Jesus;
Build each other up in faith; and to
Become Like Jesus.