The Story of the Dishonest Manager

Sunday 18 September 2022

You are welcome to worship in person this Sunday at 10.15am.  Hand sanitizer and masks are available if you would like to use them.

We are also live streaming of our services.  The service can be seen each Sunday morning commencing at 10.15am.  Here is the link to our YouTube channel to access the live streaming: 

Luke 16:1-13, The Story of the Dishonest Manager  

Today’s gospel reading is the strangest story Jesus ever told. This passage includes a parable and four related teachings that are difficult both to understand and to apply to life. In the parable (vs. 1-8a) Jesus is telling us to imitate a crook! He cheats on his employer, lies to his business associates, and yet, says Jesus, here’s somebody from whom we need to learn! That’s very troubling to many people. Jesus seems to be giving approval to a shady character. This parable has been troubling to people ever since Jesus told it.  

In the text, Jesus was using the outrageous story to make four important points. First, Christians should work as hard at doing God’s work as the bad servant worked at stealing his master’s money (vs. 8b). Second, we should be generous in sharing our money and resources (vs. 9). Third, if we use our money and things well (generously), God will entrust us with even more exciting and important work (vs. 10-12). Fourth, we are not to be greedy (vs. 13). Doing God’s work is much more important than what we wear or what we eat or what we want. IL-WOONG.

Our Mission is to
Connect with people in Jesus;
Build each other up in faith; and to
Become Like Jesus.