Messy Church
Our all-age activity-based Messy Church is held 4pm to 6pm on the fourth Sunday of the month during school terms, with a free meal and great company! Register via EventBrite for creative experiences, a short time of worship and a meal together. Messy Church is free – donations are welcome to help cover the cost of food and materials.

Mainly Music
You don’t have to imagine a time and place where you and your young child will find delight in shared experiences, be accepted for who you are, and grow educationally. It already happens. Every week of the school year – in a fun and exciting place called ‘mainly music’. In no time, you’ll be not only enjoying time with your child, you’ll find friendship and encouragement. We aim to provide that village to help you raise your child. Come along …we’re keen to connect.
Each mainly music has been designed for enjoyment. Weekly sessions, during the school year, are full of fun, educational music and musical activity to grow and develop your child, followed by something to eat and something to play with, plus time for you to eat and chat!

For more information please contact us.