An invitation to all men in the church to enjoy a man-sized breakfast on Saturday 18th July 2020 at 8.00am.
This will be provided by the ladies of the church in appreciation of all that our men contribute to the life of the church.

Guest speaker will be Karl Faase who is a well known Australian Christian communicator. He is the CEO of Christian media company Olive Tree Media, host of Jesus the Game Changer TV/DVD series and presenter of the Daily Nudge radio spots. Karl is also the Board chair for Samaritans Purse and BGEA Australia.
Karl is in demand across Australia as a speaker, with a special interest in encouragement & motivation and communicating to those exploring faith. He is passionate about reclaiming the Christian Gospel as word as well as deed.
RSVP to Beryl Bool on 0405 686 109 or or Annette O’Neill on 0413 244 726 or by Sunday 12th July 2020.